Andrew Seidel, Katherine Stewart, Rob Boston on Hope and Fear in 2024 – And Beyond

Brad shares the recording of a roundtable he hosted at Americans United’s Summit for Religious Freedom. He asked Andrew Seidel, Katherine Stewart, and Rob Boston what they are worried about in the year ahead – and what gives them surprising amounts of hope as we careen toward 2024. They expound on SCOTUS, public schools, LGBTQ+ […]

Weekly Roundup: Trump Arraignment, SBC Misogyny, and Resources to be a Trans Ally

Brad and Dan begin by discussing the reactions to Trump’s arraignment in Miami – from congresspeople calling for war, to Kari Lake talking about 75 million Americans with guns, to megachurch pastors exhorting their congregations to emulate religious terrorists. Brad points out that the anger over Trump’s arraignment coincides with the rise of anti-trans rhetoric […]

It’s In the Code Ep. 54: Suffering and Persecution

Why do conservative American Christians and Christian nationalists use the rhetoric of being “attacked” and “persecuted”? Why do they perceive themselves to be “suffering” in the contemporary United States, when they experience pronounced social, cultural, and legal privilege? And how do these ideas link up with the broader valorization of “suffering” within some forms of […]

Weekly Roundup: Trump Indicted, Robertson Dead, + Catholic Public Schools?

Brad and Dan being by discussing Trump’s indictment on federal charges. They then break down the life and death of Pat Robertson – an architect of the Religious Right and someone whose influence resounds in American Christian nationalism today, from media, to spiritual warfare, to queerphobia, and more. They finish the episode with a discussion […]

The Religious Exemption Accountability Project

With Dan still on vacation, enjoy this episode from the One Nation All Belief series: Brad speaks with Paul Southwick and Erin Green from the Religious Exemption Accountability Project. They explain REAP’s mission: to help queer students on religious campuses and to get tax dollars out of institutions that discriminate against LGBT people. Through civil […]

The Data on Deconstruction

Faith deconstruction – the intentional examination of one’s religious faith and beliefs, leading to a profound change in, or even loss of, that faith – has received increasing attention in the past few years. But, who are the people who deconstruct their faith, what causes them to do so and where does the journey take […]

Trans Minister Alex McNeill on Trans Survival and Trans Flourishing

Dan is on vacation this week, so we are happy to present Brad’s interview with Rev. Alex McNeill, which is part of the special series ONE NATION ALL BELIEFS. Rev. McNeill is a white, queer, transgender man, an ordained minister in the Presbyterian Church, U.S.A. Rev. McNeill served as the executive director of More Light […]

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