Weekly Roundup: Ron DeSantis Aborts 8 Months In

Brad and Dan begin by discussing what happened to Ron DeSantis. Taking stock of pundits who blame his failure on policy or lack of people skills, Brad argues that DeSantis lacks the aesthetic and eroticism to be a fascist leader. He was never Trump+. Just Diet Trump. The MAGA movement wants a strongman autocrat – […]

It’s In the Code Ep. 83: “The Very Words of Scripture”

When inerrantists say that the Bible is “without error,” one of the things they mean is that the very words of the Bible itself were chosen by God. When they say that the Bible is “God-breathed” or “inspired,” this inspiration goes all the down to the biblical authors’ very choice of words. Why is this […]

Congress Learns About Mike Johnson’s White Christian Nationalism

Exclusive to SWAJ – the Freethought Caucus in the House of Representatives held a seminar on Mike Johnson’s Christian nationalism. Rep. Jared Huffman chaired the panel and heard comments from Dr. Matthew Taylor, Rachel Laser, President of Americans United, and Darcy Hirsch of the Interfaith Alliance. We are the only media outlet to distribute a […]

Weekly Roundup: “MLK Was a Bad Guy” + Fallout from Iowa

Brad and Dan begin by discussing the ways White evangelicals pushed Trump to victory and Iowa – and then dispel a bunch of myths about why White Christians keep voting for him. They also dig into reactions to a mainstream media source calling out Christian nationalism (hint: White Christian nationalists weren’t happy). In the second […]

It’s In the Code Ep. 82: “The Proof of Inerrancy”

The claim that the Bible is inerrant is a claim that it is the sole and absolute authority in matters of religious truth. For millions of American Christians, that also means that it should be the source of social policy and legislation that shape public life for every American. Those are BIG claims. So what […]

Evangelical Trumpism: Then and Now Part II. w/ Tim Alberta

Part II of Brad’s interview with journalist Tim Alberta, author of the Kingdom, the Power, and the Glory: Evangelicalism in an Age of Extremism. In his intro, Brad goes through his criticisms of the book. They come down to three main points: It is a normative project in a journalistic format; it reproduces the theological […]

Weekly Roundup: God’s Chosen Is Above the Law

On the eve of the Iowa caucuses, Brad and Dan first take stock of two wild but related claims by Trump: He is immune from the law and chosen by God to enact it. Sounds more like a medieval monarch than a democratically elected president . . . In the second segment, the two hosts […]

It’s In the Code Ep. 81: The Inerrant Bible

“The Bible is without error.” This claim, the claim that the Bible is “inerrant,” is what lies behind most Christians’ claims when they insist they are “preaching the Bible,” that they attend a “Bible church,” that “the Bible is true,” and so on. When most conservative Christians claim to be “literalists,” what they mean is […]

Evangelical Trumpism: Then and Now Part I. w/ Tim Alberta

Part I of Brad’s interview with journalist Tim Alberta, author of the Kingdom, the Power, and the Glory: Evangelicalism in an Age of Extremism. In his intro, Brad goes through what he learned from the book – and hints at his criticisms of it (those are coming next week). In the interview, Brad asks Tim […]

Weekly Roundup: J6 3 years Later + 14th Amendment Originalism

More Americans think J6 was not big deal than ever. Why? Because the myth of the Big Lie has festered in the three years since the Insurrection, creating an alternate reality in which Donald Trump is not responsible for what happened – and the event wasn’t that violent. Brad and Dan break down the statistics […]

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