Weekly Roundup: Why Are They Trying Write Trans People Out of Existence?

Brad and Dan are happy to announce that SWAJ is joining the Irreverent Media Group–a collective of podcasts that offers content on deconstruction, rediscovery, and everything in between. We outline the details at the top of the episode. Check out irreverent.fm for more details! We spend the major segment discussing the 82 anti-trans bills up […]

Being a Woman of Color in Purity Culture with Asha Dahya

TEDx speaker and author Asha Dahya is the Creator and Editor in Chief of GIRLTALKHQ. She was born in the UK, raised in Australia, and now lives in the USA. Of Indian descent, Asha grew up in Evangelical churches and was imbued with the teachings of purity culture. She discusses how it shaped her understanding […]

Focus on Your Own Family: Response to Focus on the Family’s Jim Daly

Brad’s response to Focus on the Family head Jim Daly, who mentioned him in a recent article. In the article Daly tried to deflect the analyses that connect the Atlanta shooter with Evangelicalism and purity culture.  Brad dissects Daly’s argument that: The Atlanta shooter’s actions were born from insanity, and thus warrant no further investigation […]

Weekly Roundup: Is There Anything Wrong with Christian Nationalism? (Hint: Yes)

Dan provides a detailed rebuttal to a piece claiming that there the concern about Christian nationalism is an overblown conspiracy by liberals and celebrities. Brad links this to the draconian voter-suppression law signed in Georgia last night. The law was bankrolled by Christian nationalists organizations and is a direct reaction to Black women and POC […]

Ravi Zacharias, the Atlanta Shooter, Anti-Asian Hate, and Misogyny

Brad talks with Adrian Gibbs, co-host of the Dirty Rotten Church Kids and an ex-evangelical of Filipino descent, about the connections between Ravi Zacharias’ abuse of spa workers of Asian descent and the killing of six Asian women of Asian descent at day spas near Atlanta next week. They discuss the themes of misogyny, racial […]

Sex, Theology, Purity–Response to Al Mohler

Brad was featured in a NYT article about purity culture and its affect on the Atlanta shooter along with other academics and advocates including Sam Perry, Joshua Grubbs, and Rachael Denhollander. Soon thereafter Albert Mohler, president of the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, derided the article and our comments on his podcast. This is Brad’s response. […]

Weekly Roundup: A Massacre in Atlanta

Brad and Dan discuss the various threads connecting the massacre in Atlanta: from the history of anti-Asian racism, to the various dimensions of purity culture, to the cover Christian nationalism provides to acts of violence. They then discuss the Vatican’s statement on why the Church can’t bless same-sex unions. To Brad and Dan this is […]

Anti-Asian Hate, Purity Culture, and Christian Nationalism

In the wake of the mass shooting of 8 people, 6 of whom were Asian women, Brad ties together the threads of anti-Asian hate, purity culture, and Christian nationalism.  Killing half a dozen Asian women and attributing it to sex addiction, not racism, is Christian nationalism in a nutshell:  “Purity culture made me feel bad about […]

Faith After Evangelicalism

Brad explains how evangelicalism destroys faith, because it destroys any sense of uncertainty and unpredictability. By working in a register of moral, political, and theological certainty, evangelicalism becomes the anti-thesis of faith. Brad calls this disenchanted theology. By contrast, he argues that as a secular person he has become a person of faith in ways […]

Weekly Roundup: Jim Crow in a Suit and Tie

Voter suppression laws are Christian nationalist policy. They are part of a long lineage of movements that see White Protestants as the only legitimate power brokers in the American landscape. The 253 voter suppression bills put forth by the GOP over the last month are the result of the belief that not everyone should be […]

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