Race, Xenophobia, and the History of White Evangelicalism with Randall Balmer

Dartmouth professor and pre-eminent scholar of Evangelicalism Dr. Randall Balmer returns to talk about his new book, Bad Faith: Race and the Rise of the Religious Right. He and Brad discuss how over the course of the 20th century, race and xenophobia have been the drivers of Evangelical theology and politics. Balmer explains how Evangelicals […]

Weekly Roundup: Bombing for God and Country

Brad and Dan discuss the vehement support for the Iraq War and the invasion of Afghanistan during the Bush years and comment briefly on the ills of American Empire. They then discuss the dangers and implications of the alliance between anti-vaxxers and anti-maskers with the Proud Boys and how cultural melding leads to strange–and in […]

On “Pray Away” -the New Documentary on “Conversion Therapy”

Luke Wilson is a survivor of “conversion therapy.” He has written about his experiences at Liberty University for Religion Dispatches, Queerty, and other outlets. In this conversation, Luke provides his response to the Netflix doc “Pray Away.” They discuss the complexities of those who are both survivor and perpetrator sharing their stories and taking the […]

Sexual Purity and Religious Trauma: Part I

Brad speaks with Dr. Laura Anderson, founder of the Center for Trauma Resolution and Recovery and co-founder of the Religious Trauma Institute. They discuss the nature of religious trauma, why it can be hard for individuals to label it trauma, and how it can be treated. One of the issues for victims of religious trauma […]

Ex-Evangelical Apologetics: “Racism is a Heart Issue” + “Not of This World”

Brad addresses two common refrains about racism and social issues–the “racism is a heart issue” response and the “not of this world” response. He shows how when Evangelicals hold power, they turn to individualist responses to issues like race and guns. They don’t want the systems changed, so the response is to turn it into […]

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