Steve Bannon’s War on Democracy, Christianity, and You

Steve Bannon is a familiar figure by now. One of the super villains from the Trump administration, he is still a force in right-wing politics in the USA and across the globe. He reportedly pushed Trump to overturn the election by any means possible. He is often referred to as a White nationalist whose misogyny […]

Weekly Roundup: All Aboard the Sexual Anarchy Freedom Convoy

Brad and Dan begin by discussing the Jericho Marches connected to the “Freedom Convoy” protests in Ottawa. Drawing on work by the writer Chrissy Stroop and scholar Thomas Lecaque, they discuss how the Jericho story provides a narrative in which both American J6 and Canadian convoy protesters/rioters are able to use as a way to […]

You’re Not Welcome Here, Ep. 7: “What About Class?”

What is the relation to class and identity? Does a focus on identity and identity politics overlook, trivialize, or eliminate the significance of class or economic inequality in contemporary politics and social conflict? This episode suggests that a focus on identity does not discount, and is not at odds with, a focus on class or […]

You’re Not Welcome Here, Ep. 6: “You’re Not Who You Think You Are”

This episode revisits the idea that identity is about recognition and explores the significance of this. Because identity is not only about how I recognize myself, but also about how others recognize me, identity is never merely a matter of individual preference. Rather, identity is always shared and collective in nature. This is particularly true […]

“You’re Not Welcome Here”, Ep. 6- “You’re Not Who You Think You Are”

This episode revisits the idea that identity is about recognition and explores the significance of this. Because identity is not only about how I recognize myself, but also about how others recognize me, identity is never merely a matter of individual preference. Rather, identity is always shared and collective in nature. This is particularly true […]

J6 ONE YEAR LATER, Ep. 6: This Was a Dress Rehearsal – with Anne Nelson

What if J6 and the Anti-CRT movements trace back to the same secretive organization? What if J6 was the result of years of planning and organizing? And what if there’s a plan in place to make sure that a secretive network has the chance to pick our next president? Anne Nelson is the author of […]

You’re Not Welcome Here Ep. 5: “It’s Not Like Social Media”

Contemporary critics on both the right and the left essentially accuse those who politically mobilize around social identities of being fundamentally selfish in nature. The charge is that their politics reflects only personal interest, that they seek special treatment or privilege on the basis of an identity that isn’t shared with others, and that they […]

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