Weekly Roundup: “Woke Corrupt Democratic Thugs”

Brad and Dan discuss a wide range of topics— from GOP voter fraud to Madison Cawthorn calling Zelenskyy a thug, to Don’t Say Gay Bills—through the lens of the idea that Christian nationalism is about order and violence. The takeaway: whether it’s reproductive rights, LGBTQ rights, voting rights, or democracy itself— Christian nationalists will use violence […]

Weekly Roundup: Putin, Neo-Nazis, and the American Right

Brad and Dan begin by discussing the recent AFPAC conference, where the far-right figure Nick Fuentes compared Putin to Hitler in a positive way, while giving a speech full of racial and ethnic slurs. Reps. Marjorie Taylor Greene and Paul Gosar attended the conference–and Greene gave an address after being introduced by Fuentes. Dan unpacks […]

You’re Not Welcome Here, Ep. 9: “Don’t Tell Me Who I Am.”

What do we mean when we talk about “recognition”? What is it to recognize someone in their identity? What is it to recognize ourselves in a particular way? What happens when someone doesn’t recognize me in the way I identify myself? What happens when I don’t recognize someone others in the way they recognize themselves? […]

Danté Stewart on Leaving the White Church to Follow Jesus

Brad speaks with the Danté Stewart about his journey into, and then out of, the White Church. Stewart grew up a Black Pentecostal until he reached university. There he began attending a White megachurch. He spent years in White churches convinced that the Jesus worshipped there–one coded as a White American, as superior to the […]

Weekly Roundup: Putin’s Christian Values

Brad and Dan discuss Putin’s war on Ukraine and the Christian nationalist/GOP responses at home. They focus the first segment on how the only people on the global stage defending Putin openly are Donald Trump and select politicians and leaders from the GOP. This leads to an exploration of the Christians who admit that they […]

You’re Not Welcome Here, Ep. 8:“They’re Acting Against Their Interests”

This episode explores the concern that people act against their own social or political interests because of their identity. Because they privilege their identity, they oppose political, social, or economic policies that would be beneficial to them. Dan argues that this is a mistaken conception, and that we have to recognize that identity and interests […]

Special Episode: Undercover at Greg Locke’s Book Burning

*Correction*: “Jeff” says that Locke’s church is in McMinnville, TN. It is in fact in Mt. Juliet TN. Brad didn’t catch it in the conversation. Both he and Jeff were a bit tense–wanting to get the story right and bring listeners into the scene, without giving away Jeff’s identity. Our apologies. Brad speaks with a […]

Steve Bannon’s War on Democracy, Christianity, and You

Steve Bannon is a familiar figure by now. One of the super villains from the Trump administration, he is still a force in right-wing politics in the USA and across the globe. He reportedly pushed Trump to overturn the election by any means possible. He is often referred to as a White nationalist whose misogyny […]

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