It’s In the Code Ep. 43: Unequally Yoked

What does it mean when a Christian warns us against being “unequally yoked” with someone else? Where does this language come from? And how has been used to marginalize and exclude others? What are the dangers of this language, which is so common among some Christians? Dan tackles these topics in this week’s episode. Subscribe […]

Evangelicals, Israel, and the End of the F*cking World (re-release)

On this re-released episode from 2019 Brad shares his former apocalypse extremism. Dan draws on his expertise in apocalyptic literature to unpack how evangelicals envision the end of the world and what it means for their relationship with Israel. Subscribe for $5.99 a month to get bonus episodes, ad-free listening, access to the entire 500-episode […]

It’s In the Code Ep. 42: Praying for You

People in our lives often tell us they are “praying for” us, that they are “keeping us in their prayers,” etc. Sometimes these assurances on the part of others bring us comfort, but other times they stir up complex emotions such as anger, or sadness, or confusion. What is going on when people offer to […]

Weekly Roundup: Christian Erotica for the Cringe

Brad and Dan begin by discussing an excerpt from Joshua Butler’s new book, which appeared at the Gospel Coalition this week. The excerpt lays out a theology of sex that imagines Christ as the male partner in a heterosexual erotic relationship with the Christian church. This metaphor is extended to the sexual relationships men and […]

It’s In the Code Ep. 41: Don’t Be a Stumbling Block Part 2

Building on the previous episode, Dan dives deeper into the code of not being a “stumbling block” in this episode. How do admonitions not to be a stumbling block depart from the actual context of that phrase in the Christian New Testament? And what does this tell us about some Christians’ claim to be “biblical […]

All Things Asbury

In a joint episode with the New Evangelicals, Brad hosts a roundtable with Tim Whitaker (New Evangelicals), Dr. Leah Payne, and Dr. Matthew Taylor. The four of them discuss what the revival looked like in person when Tim visited last week, how it matches up to past revivals at Asbury and other institutions, and the […]

Weekly Roundup: Mr Biden Goes to Kyiv

Brad and Dan begin by discussing the polar opposite speeches given by Biden and Putin on the eve of the one year anniversary of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. Brad analyzes Putin’s culture war rhetoric, showing how and why it mirrors the family values and queerphobic rhetoric of American Christian nationalists. Dan points out the symbolic […]

It’s In the Code Ep. 40: Don’t Be A Stumbling Block

One of the most central metaphors for living a life of Christian faith is that of one’s “spiritual walk.” And within this framework, the metaphor of the “stumbling block,” of something that would cause us to “stumble” in that spiritual walk, is also common. But what exactly does this mean? What does it mean when […]

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