It’s In the Code Ep. 65: Publicly Private

“It’s In the Code.” But in what sense is a code something public and shared? And in what sense is a code something secret, communicated only the select few “in the know?” Dan explores these issues in this episode, arguing that secret codes that operate below the surface are dependent on public codes we all […]

The Reawaken America Tour: Anti-Semitic, Anti-Democratic, and Openly Violent

Brad talks to Rev. Nathan Empsall, the Executive Director of Faithful America. They discuss the Reawaken America Tour, which just relaunched in Las Vegas a week ago. As Rev. Nathan says, the tour platforms speakers who are anti-Semitic, anti-democratic, and openly violent. It is a dangerous movement that is, unfortunately, tying together explicit Christian practice […]

Weekly Roundup: Back to (Destroy) School

How does a racially fueled tragedy tie into the policies of a state governor? And what sinister patterns can we uncover when we trace the origins of the ‘lone gunman’ phenomenon? Brad and Dan investigate the chilling Jacksonville shootings, the disturbing racial motivations behind the crime, and the ways these events echo the policies of […]

The Hidden Roots of White Supremacy with Robert P. Jones

Brad speaks with Dr. Robert P. Jones, President of PRRI and author of the new book The Hidden Roots of White Supremacy: And the Path to a Shared American Future. Beginning with contemporary efforts to reckon with the legacy of white supremacy in America, Jones returns to the fateful year when a little-known church doctrine […]

Weekly Roundup: Trickle Down Trumpism

Brad and Dan discuss three main stories from the week: The GOP debate, where Trump was somehow both absent and present. The killing of a shop owner in CA over her display of the Pride flag. The appearannce of Spokane mayor Nadine Woodward at a Christian nationalist rally with Sean Feucht and Matth Shea Subscribe […]

It’s In the Code Ep. 63: Do They Know It’s Code?

We say someone is “speaking in code,” or talk about “codes,” or discuss things that are “in the code?” But what do we mean by “code?” And when someone uses coded language, do they know they’re doing that? When we talk about people or communities using codes to manipulate or control others, are they doing […]

Taxpayer Money is Going to Fund Religious Schools

Brad speaks to Rachel Laser, President and CEO of Americans United for Separation of Church and State. They discuss AU’s lawsuit with the ACLU and FFRF in the case of the state of Oklahoma agreeing to send taxpayer funds to a Catholic school. This is, in essence, an attempt to make Christian schools into public […]

Weekly Roundup: Rico Suave

On a solo Friday, Dan begins by discussing the sprawling indictment of Trump and his co-conspirators in Fulton County, Georgia. This indictment includes lawyers, pastors, and others who allegedly helped Trump attempt to overturn the 2020 election results. Dan then turns his attention to the ruling on the abortion pills out of the 5th Circuit. […]

It’s In the Code Ep. 62: Non-Denominational

What does it mean when a church is “non-denominational”? What is the relation between non-denominational churches and established denominations? In what ways does the designation of being non-denominational encode information about a church’s values and beliefs, its demographics, or its position on hot-button cultural issues? Dan tackles these questions in this week’s episode. Subscribe for […]

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