Weekly Roundup: Melting Monuments and Myths

Dan and Brad begin by recounting the melting of the Robert E. Lee statue in Charlottesville – and the right-wing reactions to it. This leads to a lengthy discussion of the efforts to keep Trump off the ballot in CO and MN via the 14th amendment. In the conclusion, the hosts discuss how the Lost […]

Surviving IHOP-KC

Brad speaks to two survivors of IHOP-KC about the abuse they endured there, the dynamics of the community, and healing with others. This week allegations emerged about Mike Bickle, founder of IHOP-KC, a central hub in charismatic Christianity located in Kansas City. Bob Smietana at RNS describes Bickle this way: “Bickle is one of the […]

It’s In the Code Ep. 72: “Rebellion is the Sin of Witchcraft”

“Rebellion is as the sin of witchcraft.” So reads the King James Bible. What does this verse mean? And why does this translation of the verse still circulate within Christian culture, despite being an archaic translation? And most importantly, what are some of the social effects of this verse? Dan explores these topics in this […]

In Accordance With Our Christian Values

Chloe, Paul, and Erin take a  look at how religious schools and colleges are claiming exemptions from civil rights laws now in the context of sexual orientation and gender identity, as told through the stories of queer and trans students who have experienced the effects of a religious college’s reckless abuse. Purchase Elizabeth’s book: https://a.co/d/7CzphhJ […]

Weekly Roundup: A Johnson for Speaker

Brad and Dan use the bulk of this episode to introduce listeners to the Christian nationalism of new Speaker of the House Mike Johnson. They go over his right-wing record on abortion (near abolitionist), on LBGTQ rights (as homophobic as they come), on separation of church and state (doesn’t believe in it), and his understanding […]

It’s In the Code Ep. 71: Christians and Halloween – A Brief History

Dan gives a brief history of halloween and the ways it has morphed through pre-Christian and Christian history. He then asks: What does it mean when religious people appeal to “God’s will”? What kind of work does this do? Does it always provide the guidance and comfort for life it seems to promise? And what […]

Fascism is Our New Normal III: Red Caesar

Brad looks upstream from the talking heads to the intellectuals on the American Right who are normalizing fascist ideas. He points to the phenomenon of the Red Caesar as the framework for how these intellectuals call for a post-constitutional American wherein democracy is set aside for rule by one man. Subscribe now to American Idols: […]

Racist Roots

Chloe, Paul, and Erin embark on a deep dive into the racist roots and history of religious colleges by untangling the anti-Black ideologies of Bob Jones University, unpacking the theological arguments used to support segregated schools, and uncovering one of the most monumental clashes between human rights and religious liberty ever fought in the courts.  […]

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