The Texas Rep. Fighting Christian Nationalism w/ James Talarico

Rep. James Talarico is a Christian fighting Christian nationalism in the Texas legislature. He’s also an 8th generation Texans; a former middle school teacher; and a seminarian. He calls school voucher schemes “scams,” and “welfare for the rich,” while labeling Gov. Abbott “Robinhood in reverse.” He went viral for opposing the Ten Commandments bill on […]

Weekly Roundup: Satan in Iowa, Hell in Texas

Brad and Dan begin by discussing the abortion ruling in Texas, pointing to the ways that the vague wording in the law and the threats from state officials have made abortion effectively banned in the state. They discuss how the case represents a new chapter in the cruel approach to reproductive non-rights and what it […]

It’s In the Code Ep. 78: “Everyone Has an Ultimate Authority”

“Everyone has an ultimate authority.” You might encounter this claim in a discussion about the authority of the Bible, or in religious debates about LGBTQ+ inclusion, or the respective roles of men and women in church and society, or about evolution, or vaccines, or any number of other topics. But what, exactly, does this mean? […]

Special Episode: Pure White Ep. 1

Axis Mundi Media is proud to introduce Pure White – A history podcast series that traces the relationships among sexual purity, White supremacy, and Christian nationalism from the 19th century to the present. What happens when you link national renewal to the sexual lives of teenagers? This is exactly what evangelical purity culture did in […]

When Religion Hurts You w/ Dr. Laura Anderson

In When Religion Hurts You, Dr. Laura Anderson takes an honest look at a side of religion that few like to talk about. Drawing from her own life and therapy practice, she helps readers understand what religious trauma is and isn’t, and how high-control churches can be harmful and abusive, often resulting in trauma. She shows […]

Weekly Roundup: Israel, Palestine, and the US

Brad begins by laying out the current state of conflict in Israel-Palestine: the ceasefire is over; Israel is threatening to displace millions in southern Gaza; 15,000 Palestinians have died; Netanyahu is talking about ending the Palestinian territory . . . Dan then provides three ways that we are duped into thinking and talking about the […]

It’s In the Code Ep. 77: “Why Won’t They Say Anything?”

Why don’t conservative Protestants who oppose Christian nationalism, but who choose to remain in MAGA-affirming churches, seem to say anything in opposition to Christian nationalism? Do the theological beliefs underlying their Christian identity prevent them from doing so? Is it an issue of how groups regulate individual identity? Dan explores these questions in this week’s […]

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